Has it already been a year! It seems like we just got engaged, it cant already be a year later. None the less the first year has past, and it has been the best year of my life... no seriously it has. I had a moment this past weekend where I got so depressed thinking that this was it, our one year moment!! For some odd reason I thought that every anniversary should be just as exciting and eventful as the wedding was, but yet there were no fancy dress no photographers and no chocolate fondu fountains, it was just Craig me and a couple of sushi rolls. I thought about the "no party anniversary" idea all weekend and came to the conclussion that I am so lucky to even have found Craig, that I dont need to throw a party every year just to show how much we are in love (brilliant I know it just came to me an apifany (spelling) if you will). But no seriously how did I get so lucky (thank you Randy) to have found my other half, I mean the poor man has to deal with my rollercoaster mood swings and my bad habit of locking my keys in the car, and yet he loves me through it all. 
I know I know 1990's called and they want their candy poster back, but hey it was a cute inexpensive card.
yea Craig was freaked out that the cake was in the freezer for a year so he didn't eat it, but dont you worry my mom is still eating it as we speak (a week later).

Craig promised me a fun time at jumpin jacks ( I love being a kid) and I promised him Hiking, great compromise.I love my honey bunches and I am looking forward to the many more years that are you yet to come, happy anniversary honey!!